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Lake House Guest Bedroom Ideas

Lake House Guest Bedroom Ideas

flowers home house

Olha Horetska / EyeEm Getty Images

Hosting friends and relatives is a lovely thing; opening our homes, welcoming them in and making them feel comfortable and relaxed. But how at home do we really want them to feel? As, in a recent survey, Anglian Home Improvements have found that house guest etiquette is apparently on its way out.

The research surveyed 1,000 UK residents to find out what we are prepared to do in other people's homes and what we find most rude for other people to do when in our care. And we must admit, the results are pretty astounding.

Firstly, the most unwelcome behaviour hosts dislike is their guests putting their feet on the furniture – a whopping 59% of the participants found this rude. Guests taking over the TV remote control came in third place (52%). And while these are two fairly unsurprising disliked guest behaviours, it is the second rudest habit that has shocked us – when guests cut their nails in someone else's home (58%).

feet on sofa

Chris Gramly Getty Images

Here's the full list of the most off-putting behaviours a guest can do when staying with someone else, according to the participants:

  • Guests putting their feet on the furniture (59%)
  • Guests cutting their nails (58%)
  • Guests taking control of the TV remote (52%)
  • Guests answering their home phone (51%)
  • Guests walking into their home without knocking (48%)

    Interestingly, the survey also asked the respondents what they felt comfortable doing in someone else's house that they didn't deem to be rude. This is what they said…

    • Asking for the wi-fi password (31%)
    • Charging their phone/tablet/laptop (24%)
    • Helping themselves to a drink (20%)
    • Putting their elbows on the table (18%)
    • Taking a nap (14%)
      wine drink cheers

      Sam Edwards Getty Images

      However much times may be changing - with guests more concerned with locating a charger and an internet access for their mobile devices than removing their shoes at the door and asking before they help themselves to our belongings - we still think manners are essential.

      Would you add anything else to the list?

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      Lake House Guest Bedroom Ideas

      Source: https://www.countryliving.com/uk/homes-interiors/interiors/news/a857/house-guest-ettiquette/

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